Cardinal Post October 2015: students in front of the school before heading out to the Duke TIP Program

Cardinal Post October 2015

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,This first semester is flying by and has been filled with many great Catholic School experiences. Our days have been complete with prayer, academics, making friendships, Mass, and so much more. Our new Admissions Director, Kim Pesce, gives us glimpses each day into the lives of our students through her posts on …

Cardinal Post Summer 2015: Statue of pope

Cardinal Post Summer 2015

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,The 2014-15 School year was filled with many accomplishments. Not just for our wonderful students who worked so hard to learn and grow both spiritually and academically, but for the school as a whole. Each year Mrs. Shaw, the faculty, and I along with the support and guidance of Msgr. McArthur and …

Cardinal Post March 2015: SLS was happy to welcome Memphis' Finest to the school for a day of learning

Cardinal Post March 2015

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,Here we are in Holy Week approaching the joyful promise of Easter! What a great time to be part of a Catholic School! During Lent we have All School Mass every Friday morning and Stations of the Cross every Friday afternoon. This last Friday, we were so blessed to have ten priests …

Cardinal Post February 2015: National Junior Beta Club honors new members

Cardinal Post February 2015

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,February is the month of love. Our students celebrate Valentine’s Day with beautifully decorated shoe boxes/milk jugs and valentines attached to brightly colored lollypops are exchanged, each card containing some sweet and silly message expressing caring and love to each student. Every child receives a valentine and no one is left out. …

Cardinal Post Holiday 2014: Brittain Ross placed first and Michael Ross placed second in the Spelling Bee

Cardinal Post Holiday 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,This is one of my favorite times of the year! The Advent Season is such an important time in the liturgical year and in our lives. We await the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ! Nothing in the world is more important for our children than developing that close and intimate relationship …

Cardinal Post October 2014: Students learning the importance of wearing a helmet through activities.

Cardinal Post October 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,Fall is such a beautiful time of year, as the leaves begin to die, they turn beautiful, vibrant colors before fluttering to the earth to decompose and bring forth new life, fertilizing the soil, preparing for new life in the spring. This season always reminds me of God’s promise of salvation and …

Cardinal Post September 2014: Grandparents reading book to SLS Student.

Cardinal Post September 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,We are so happy to have the students back into their school routine! I always love the fact that every new school year is like a fresh canvas, a brand new start. Mrs. Shaw and I love to visit the classrooms and see the happy faces (both teachers and students). We have …

Cardinal Post April 2014: Twenty Students visit Graceland

Cardinal Post April 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,This year is flying by so quickly! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating starting the school year in our beautiful, newly renovated, school building and offices. Teachers were decorating their classrooms with the promise that comes with the beginning of a brand new school year. Today we realize school year …

Cardinal Post Feb - Mar 2014: Students learning about the different States at the State Fair hosted by the fourth graders

Cardinal Post Feb – Mar 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,It is hard to believe that February of 2014 has come and gone, and now we begin March. The liturgical season of Lent begins today with Ash Wednesday. Lent is such a great time for all of God’s children! It is a designated time we set aside each year to become better. …

Cardinal Post January 2014: Grandparents reading book to SLS Student.

Cardinal Post January 2014

Letter Fromthe Principal Dear St. Louis Friends and Families,Happy New Year! This year has started off with a bang! I am so proud of our 8th grade class! We received their scores on the High School Placement Test and overall, our students did well. Over twenty percent of the 8th grade class scored in the ninetieth percentile which is a …