- Home and School is sponsoring a Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a (4916 Poplar Avenue) from 5:00-7:00 tomorrow night, September 5. Tell them you are there for St. Louis Spirit Night!
- The St. Louis School Counseling Department has teamed up with the Christian Brothers High School Counseling Department this year for the “It Takes a Village” mental health speaker series. The first speaker will be next Tuesday, September 10 at 6:00 pm in the CBHS auditorium. See the Wednesday Wire for information on how to register.
- School picture days are coming on September 12 and 13! See the Wednesday Wire for your child’s homeroom’s assigned day and for attire guidelines.
- Louis Parish is hosting a Ministry Fair after all Masses on September 14-15. Please plan to stop by to see all of the amazing things happening in our parish and to possibly discover new ways to get involved in the life of the Church!
- Please only cross our parking lot during carpool at the designated crosswalks. Please do NOT cross between cars in line.
- We need just a few more people to volunteer in our dining hall. We welcome moms, dads, and grandparents! See Wednesday Wire for details on how to volunteer.
The Next Month at a Glance
Wednesday, September 4: Chess Club begins
Thursday, September 5: Room Parent Rally
Thursday, September 5: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Friday, September 6: All School Mass
Monday, September 9: VIRTUS classes
Tuesday, September 10: “It Takes a Village” Speaker Series at CBHS
Thursday, September 12: SLS Auction Meeting
Thursday, September 12-Friday, September 13: School Pictures
Sunday, September 15: St. Louis Parish Ministry Fair
Sunday, September 15: Junior High Youth Ministry Kickoff
Monday, September 16: ECC Donuts with Dad
Friday, September 20: Booster Glow Run sponsored by the Home and School
Saturday, September 21: Lucchesi’s Fundraiser to benefit St. Louis Youth Ministry Mission Trips
Thursday, September 26: Pep Rally to Celebrate 5/6 Grade Athletes
Friday, September 27: Home and School Movie Night
Thursday, October 3: JA Biztown for fifth grade
Friday, October 4: All School Mass
Friday, October 4: End of the First Nine Weeks
Friday, October 3: Out of Uniform Day to benefit Feed My Flock
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see back to school pictures and all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday Wire