Please read the Wednesday Wire for important church and school announcements and opportunities.
Upcoming Dates:
- Tonight at 6pm in the Clunan Center- Alpha Session 4 (dinner and childcare provided)
- Tomorrow at 2:15- Pep Rally & Spirit Jeans Day honoring 5th & 6th grade athletes (details in the WW)
- Tomorrow 4pm-8pm- Chickfila Spirit Night (use flyer in the WW to earn money for SLS when you dine in or drive through; print the flyer or pull it up on your phone)
- Friday at 6:30 in the Clunan Center- Men's Poker night (email to register)
- October 1st at 2:30 in the church- Altar Server training (details in the WW; click here to register for the training session)
October 4th- Due date for Veteran's Day program invitation submissions. (Please click here to fill out a form if you would like us to invite someone to our Veteran's Day program.)
October 11- deadline to register for basketball (grades 5-8) Click here to register

Wednesday Wire