On this first day of fall, let us welcome this season which is all about accepting what is changing.
"Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” — William Cullen Bryant
- Please do not drop your children off before 7:30 AM. Students who arrive before 7:30 AM should wait in their cars until the school opens for them.
- Co-ed bowling and kickball are coming this fall for students in grades 5-8! Stay tuned to Wednesday Wire for details in the next few weeks.
- The school day begins at 8:00 AM. Students should be settled in their classrooms at 8:00 AM ready to begin the day. Any student that arrives after 8:00 AM will be marked tardy. Thank you for your help in getting your child to school on time and ready for a productive and successful day.
- Our Fall Fundraiser continues this week! Thank you for supporting our Home and School Association in this first fundraiser of the school year.
The Next Month at a Glance (check WW for details)
Thursday, September 23: Pep Rally to Honor 5/6 Grade Student Athletes
Friday, September 24: Jeans Day to benefit Feed My Flock
Sunday, September 26: Youth Ministry Kickoff
Sunday, September 26: Men's Club Appreciation & New Member Dinner
Wednesday, September 29: Women's Guild Kickoff
Thursday, September 30: Pep Rally to Honor 7/8 Grade Student Athletes
Monday-Wednesday, October 4-6: Fall Break; NO SCHOOL
Friday-Saturday, October 8-9: Eucharistic Congress
Wednesday, October 13: Fall Fundraiser Ends
Thursday, October 14: 8th Grade Visit to St. Benedict at Auburndale
Friday, October 15: Pep Rally to honor 1-4 Grade Student Athletes
Friday, October 15: End of the First Quarter
Tuesday, October 19: 8th Grade Parent Meeting
Friday, October 22: Parent Teacher Conferences (No School)
Have a great rest of your week!
Wednesday Wire