- Tonight, October 18 is Spirit Night at Corky’s on Poplar. Come get a delicious meal while supporting St. Louis School!
- School pictures were sent home this week. All families are asked to submit picture orders or return unpurchased pictures to your child’s homeroom teacher by THIS Monday, October 23. DO NOT send in payment. Please discard the payment envelope that came with your child’s school pictures. You will be billed for your picture order through FACTS. If no orders or pictures are returned by Monday, we will assume you are keeping the whole package, and we will bill you for Package #1 ($25.00) through FACTS. If your child is having pictures retaken, please turn in the original pictures so you are not charged.
- Make-Up Picture Day is Wednesday, October 25. If your child was absent on the original picture day, or if your child needs a retake, please send your child in his/her picture day clothes. Students who have their picture made on that day can stay in their picture day clothes or change into their full school uniform.
- Our Junior Beta Club is selling Chick-fil-A chicken biscuits and chicken minis for $5.00 each tomorrow, October 19, in the dining hall beginning at 7:30 AM. Limited quantities will be available.
- Our Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser deadline has been extended until October 31. Help us reach our fundraising goal!
- As we continue to increase our security measures on campus, we want our St. Louis parents to also be a part of the solution. If you see suspicious activity on campus, please call campus security at 901-828-5177. Additionally, as always, please do not leave items of value visible in your car.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences are on October 27. An email from Mrs. Shaw with the SignUpGenius was sent out this morning and will close on Monday, October 23 at noon. If you are unable to schedule a conference because slots are full, please email your child's teacher to schedule a time.
- Thursday, October 19, is a schoolwide spirit day. Students may come out of uniform but must wear SLS shirts only (spirit shop, field day, PE, etc.) 7-8 grade athletes are encouraged to wear their sports jerseys. Shirts must be worn under sleeveless or mesh jerseys. There is no cost to participate in this day. NO SHORTS ARE PERMITTED!
- Please sign up for the St. Louis Trunk or Treat! The event is this Sunday, October 22 from 2:00-4:00 PM. Please arrive at 1:00 PM to get your trunk decorated and candy before everyone arrives. There will be a prize for the 1st, 2ndand 3rd place winner of best decorated trunk on the day of the event! Candy will be provided to distribute! We also need volunteers! Please review the available slots below and click on this link to sign up:
The Next Month at a Glance
Wednesday, October 18: Spirit Night at Corky’s on Poplar
Thursday, October 19: Pep Rally to Celebrate 7 & 8 Grade Athletes
Friday, October 20: Report Cards E-mailed
Saturday, October 21: Feed My Flock
Sunday, October 22: Home and School Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 22: Men’s Club Golf Tournament
Tuesday, October 24: Junior High Coffee Chat
Wednesday, October 25: Make-Up Picture Day
Wednesday, October 25: Mandatory Parent Meeting for First Reconciliation
Thursday, October 26: Kindergarten Chit-Chat
Thursday, October 26: Eighth Grade Parent Meeting
Friday, October 27: Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
Sunday, October 29: St. Louis Parish Picnic
Sunday, October 29: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Tuesday, October 31: First Grade Saints Parade
Wednesday, November 1: All Saints Day
Friday, November 3: Crazy for our Country Day
Sunday, November 5: Pig Day
Sunday, November 5: St. Louis School Open House
Sunday, November 5: Fall Sports Pictures
Monday, November 6: Begin wearing winter uniform
Wednesday, November 8: Homeroom pictures
Friday, November 10: Veterans Day program
Sunday, November 12: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Tuesday, November 14: Eighth grade high school visits to SAA and CBHS
Friday, November 17: Spelling Bee
Saturday, November 18: Craft Fair
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all the amazing things happening at St. Louis throughout the year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at st louis catholic school memphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week!
Wednesday Wire