- Make-Up School pictures were sent home this week. If your child had make-up pictures taken, please submit picture orders or return unpurchased pictures to your child’s homeroom teacher by THIS Friday, November 22. DO NOT send in payment. You will be billed for your picture order through FACTS. If no orders or pictures are returned by Friday, we will assume you are keeping the whole package, and we will bill you for Package #1 ($25.00) through FACTS.
- Today, Wednesday, November 20, is the last day for Chess Club for the first semester.
- Please make plans to attend the 32nd annual Arts and Crafts Show right here at St. Louis THIS Saturday, November 23! Both gyms will be filled with more than 100 vendors to kick off the Christmas shopping season! Support local vendors and small businesses while also supporting our senior high youth ministry! Win win!
- Louis Parish is raising money through the iGiveCatholic Campaign to continue efforts to protect our campus from crime. Currently, there is no barrier from White Station to the breezeway between the Church and School. Our hope is to close this gap with a brick façade that’s consistent with our existing architecture. A decorative entrance would be available for authorized personnel. This addition would provide a much-needed security enhancement to help restrict access to our students while they move across campus and protect our parishioners and visitors. See Wednesday Wire for details on how to donate. Thank you for your support!
- The due date for half of all total service hours for 5-8 grade students is Friday, December 6.
- Durden needs egg cartons for use in our art classes. Please save and send your empty egg cartons to Mrs. Durden.
- Aftercare will close early at 4:30 PM THIS Friday, November 22 due to the gyms being used for the Craft Fair set up.
The Next Month at a Glance
Monday, November 18-Friday, November 22: MAP Testing Window
Friday, November 22: All School Mass
Friday, November 22: Spelling Bee
Saturday, November 23: Arts and Crafts Fair sponsored by the St. Louis Youth Ministry
Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Saturday, November 30: Fall Fundraiser Ends
Tuesday, December 3: Advent Penance Service for Grades 4-6
Wednesday, December 4: Advent Penance Service for Grades 3, 7, and 8
Friday, December 6: All School Mass
Friday, December 6: Cardinal Christmas Basketball Game
Friday, December 6: Mid-Term Service Hours Deadline for Graders
Sunday, December 8: Junior High Youth Group Meeting (1:15-2:30- Special Time!)
Sunday, December 8: Home and School Holiday Social
Tuesday, December 10: Drama, Choir, and Orchestra Christmas Program
Friday, December 13: ECC Parent-Teacher Conferences
Saturday, December 14: First Reconciliation for Second Grade
Saturday, December 14: Altar Server Appreciation Bowling Party
Monday, December 16-Thursday, December 19: Junior High Exams
Wednesday, December 18: End of Second Quarter and First Semester
Thursday, December 19: ECC Christmas Program
Friday, December 20: All School Mass
Friday, December 20: Half Day (Dismissal at 11:30)
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday Wire