- Please return any school pictures that you do not wish to purchase by this Friday, November 18. Families who do not return pictures by this deadline will be charged for Package A ($25.00) through FACTS.
- Now that we have switched to the winter uniforms and it's turned cold, we are looking to gather some used PE sweats to help new SLS families since many of these pieces are still on backorder. We are especially in need of sizes YXL and up. If you have winter PE uniform pieces to donate, please send them to the office to the attention of Paul Walker.
- The due date for half of all total service hours for 5-8 grade students is Friday, December 2.
- The Parent Drive for auction items is currently underway! Please consider a donation for the auction. Donations can be sent to Paul Walker in the school office.
- Please make plans to attend the 30th annual Arts and Crafts Show right here at St. Louis on Saturday, November 19! Both gyms will be filled with more than 100 vendors to kick off the Christmas shopping season! Support local vendors and small businesses while also supporting our senior high youth ministry! Win win!
- Aftercare will close at 5:00 PM this Friday, November 18 due to the gyms being used for the Craft Fair set up
The Next Month at a Glance
Friday, November 18: Spelling Bee
Saturday, November 19: St. Louis Church 30th Annual Arts and Crafts Show
Monday, November 21-Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 28-Friday, December 8: MAPS Testing
Wednesday, November 30: Beta Club Donut Sale
Friday, December 2: Deadline for half of service hours for 5-8 grades
Friday, December 2: Fall Fundraiser Deadline
Friday, December 2: Cardinal Christmas Basketball Game
Saturday, December 3: Christmas Social sponsored by Home and School
Sunday, December 4: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Monday, December 5: Penance Service for Grades 3, 7, & 8
Tuesday, December 6: Christmas Program (Drama Club, Orchestra, and Choir)
Wednesday, December 7: Penance Service for Grades 4-6
Thursday, December 8: All School Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Friday, December 9: ECC Parent-Teacher Conferences (Half Day for ECC only)
Friday, December 9: Junior High Exams Begin (Full day of school)
Friday, December 9: Boys Christmas Crafts
Saturday, December 10: Lessons and Carols
Monday, December 12-14: Junior High Exams Continue (half days for junior high only)
Wednesday, December 14: ECC Christmas Program
Thursday, December 15: All School Mass
Thursday, December 15: End of Second Quarter and First Semester
Thursday, December 15: Last Day of School for 2022 (Half Day of School)
Thursday, December 15: Christmas Doll Camp
Friday, December 16: Teacher In-Service Day
We hope you have a great rest of your week!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow us on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
Wednesday Wire