- Summer Camp Deadlines: The deadline to register and pay in full for all June summer supplementary camps is TODAY, May 15. The deadline to register and pay in full for all July summer supplementary camps is June 15.
- See the Wednesday Wire for updates to our school uniform for 2024-25!
- Our Home and School needs your help with 2 upcoming graduation receptions. Please consider helping with our eighth-grade graduation reception on Thursday night, May16, or our Kindergarten graduation reception next Wednesday, May 22.
- Eighth Grade Reception: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0B45A5AC2AA7FC1-49678934-8thgrade
- Kindergarten Reception: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0B45A5AC2AA7FC1-49680394-kindergarten
- Money left in each student's cafeteria account at the end of the year will be carried over to next year. If the student is not returning to SLS next year the money will be refunded to the FACTS account. If a student is in the negative we will transfer money from a family member's account. If there are no funds available we will charge the student's FACTS account.
- See the Wednesday Wire for the SLS Volleyball Summer 2024 schedule!
- Please remember to pick up any medication that is in the school office Before the end of the school year. Anything not picked up will be discarded. All medication must be picked up by the parents. We will not send medication home with students.
- Cleaning out closets? Please consider donating your used uniforms back to the school for the annual used uniform sale at Back-to School events in August. Feel free to drop off your CLEAN uniforms to Paul Walker in the school office before the end of the year.
- Cross Country registration is now open for fall rising 3rd-8th. Register now for summer running. https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/430955
- Registration is open for 5-8 grade football for the fall of 2024. Please https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/427124 to register.
- All Fall Sports registrations are open! Visit https://slsathletics.org/for more information.
- Kidz School Box makes your Back-to-School supply shopping easy and hassle-free! Our school’s prepackaged school supply boxes are NOW AVAILABLE for purchase! https://www.kidzschoolbox.com/st-louis-school Choose your child’s 2024-25 grade. Type in your child's name. Click "Add to Cart” then “Checkout.” Questions? Call Amber Signaigo at 901-930-7377 or Katie Norman at 901-647-5091.
- If you have an address change, please email it to Amy Newsom at anewsom@stlouismemphis.orgso that you do not miss any summer mailings.
- Please note these changes to our Back-to-School events:
- Junior High Back to School Night will be on Monday, August 5 beginning at 5:30.
- ECC-Sixth Grade Back to School Night will be on Tuesday, August 6
- 5:00-6:00 pm: Early Childhood Center (PK, JK, and K)
- 6:15-7:15 pm: First – Fourth Grades (two sessions to choose from; 6:15-6:40 pm or 6:45-7:10 pm)
- 6:15 pm: Fifth and Sixth Grades
- ECC-Sixth Grade Back to School Night will be on Tuesday, August 6
- Registration is open for our Extended Care Summer Camp (Summer Camp Enrollment - St. Louis Memphis Catholic School (stlouismemphis.org)and our 13 supplementary summer camps!
o All June camps payments and registration are due by May 15.
- June 3-7
- Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through fourth grade Vacation Bible School : Parade Around the Our Father (signupgenius.com)
- June 10-13
- Little Cardinals Summer Camp for rising PK, JK, and K students Early Childhood Parents: Little Cardinals 2024 Summer Camp (signupgenius.com)
- June 10-14
- Doll and Crafts Camp for rising 1-4 grade girls Doll Campers: Summer Doll Camp 2024 (signupgenius.com)
- June 17-20
- Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten Camp for rising Kindergarteners Kindergarten Camp: Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten Camp (signupgenius.com)
- June 24-27
- STEM Safari Summer Campfor rising JK and K students SLS Parents: STEM Safari Summer Camp (signupgenius.com)
- Cooking and Crafts Around the World for 1-4 graders Mrs. Cervetti & Ms. Wynne: Cooking and Crafts Around the World (signupgenius.com)
o All July camps payments and registration are due by June 15.
- July 2-25 (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)
- Strength and Conditioning Camp for rising 5-8 graders S&C Camp: Strength & Conditioning Camp (signupgenius.com)
- July 8 -11
- All Sports Camp for rising 1-4 graders St. Louis School: SLS All Sports Camp 2024 (signupgenius.com)
- Camp Wannahavefun for rising JK and Kindergarten students JK and K Parents: Camp Wannahavefun 2024 Sign Up (signupgenius.com)
- July 22-25
- Micro Sports Camp for rising JK and Kindergarten students Camp: Micro Sports Camp (signupgenius.com)
- July 29-30
- Welcome Aboard to the First Grade Hallway Camp for rising first graders Rising First Graders: Get Ready for First Grade (signupgenius.com)
- Second Grade Superstar Camp for rising second graders Future Second Grade Parents: 2nd Grade Superstars (signupgenius.com)
- July 29-August 2
- Ultimate Athlete Camp for rising 1-4 graders UA Camp: Ultimate Athlete Camp (signupgenius.com)
The Next Month at a Glance
Monday, May 13-Thursday, May 16: Eighth Grade Exams (noon dismissal for 8th graders)
Wednesday, May 15: June Supplementary camps payments & registration deadline
Wednesday, May 15: Altar Server Training
Thursday, May 16: Eighth Grade Graduation
Friday, May 17: Student Council Elections
Monday, May 20-Thursday, May 23: Seventh Grade Exams (11:30 dismissal for seventh graders)
Monday, May 20: ECC Spring Program
Wednesday, May 22: Kindergarten Graduation
Wednesday, May 22: ECC Last Day (11:15 dismissal for all ECC students)
Friday, May 24: All School Mass
Friday, May 24: End of Fourth Quarter and Second Semester
Friday, May 24: Last Day of School (11:30 dismissal)
Friday, May 24: Football Registration Closes
Monday, June 3-Friday, June 7: St. Louis Church Vacation Bible School
Monday, June 10-Thursday, June 13: Little Cardinals Summer Camp for rising PK, JK, and K
Monday, June 10- Friday, June 14: Doll and Crafts Camp for rising 1-4 grade girls
Saturday, June 15: July Supplementary camps payments & registration deadline
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all the amazing things happening at St. Louis throughout the year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at st louis catholic school memphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday Wire