- Our Home and School Auction, “Studio SLS” is THIS Saturday, January 25, 2025! Buy tickets, view items, and register for online bidding at SLS H&S Auction 2025 | Powered By GiveSmart.
- Our Home and School Association is seeking auction volunteers to help make it a huge success! Please consider helping by signing up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948ADA82CABFEC34-54220338-studio#/
- This Friday, January 24 is the deadline to complete re-enrollment for the 2025-26 school year. Contract links will expire after Friday. New student enrollment will begin Monday, January 27, 2025.
- Our annual Book Fair will be held on campus on January 29-31, but the online book store is open now at https://literati.com/store/?school=saint-louis-school-memphis-tn. Gift cards can also be purchased online and can be used for both online orders and in-person purchases. See Wednesday Wire for more details on gift cards.
- Catholic Schools Week is January 27-31. See the Wednesday Wire for more details on our celebration.
- Catholic Schools Night at The Memphis Grizzlies San Antonio Spurs game is Monday, February 3. See the Wednesday Wire for more details and info on how to purchase tickets.
- The annual Men’s Club Mardi Gras Dinner and Parade is coming soon! This year’s event will be on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Don’t miss this popular St. Louis event! Every grade is encouraged to enter a float in the parade. To enter a float, contact Greg Crone at croneg@bellsouth.net. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
The Next Month at a Glance
Monday, January 13-Friday, January 24: Re-Enrollment Window for 2025-26 School Year
Saturday, January 25: Studio SLS Auction sponsored by Home and School
Sunday, January 26: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Monday, January 27-Friday, January 31: Catholic Schools Week
Wednesday, January 29: Pep Rally to Honor 5-8 Grade Basketball Players
Wednesday, January 29-Friday, January 31: Book Fair
Thursday, January 30: All School Mass with Bishop Talley
Thursday, January 30: Lego Club Begins
Friday, January 31: Grandparents Day for Grades 1-8
Friday, January 31: Half Day Dismissal
Sunday, February 2: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Monday, February 3: Memphis Grizzlies vs. San Antonio Spurs Catholic Schools Night
Wednesday, February 5: Confirmation Parent Meeting
Thursday, February 6: Valentine Doll Camp
Thursday, February 6: Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-7:00 pm)
Friday, February 7-Sunday, February 9: Men’s Club Retreat
Wednesday, February 12: Social Studies Bee
Friday, February 14: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)
Monday, February 17: President’s Day (No School)
Tuesday, February 18: Seventh Grade Parents Trip Meeting
Saturday, February 22: Mardi Gras Parade sponsored by the St. Louis Men’s Club
Sunday, February 23: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week! Stay warm!

Wednesday Wire