- Re-enrollment contracts for the 2023-24 school year were sent out last week from Please note that the email re-enrollment contract email was only sent to the parent listed as primary.
- New student enrollment contracts were delayed but should be sent by tomorrow to new families in the ECC and to new students. Please complete new student enrollment contracts by Wednesday, January 25 to secure your child’s spot for the 23-24 school year.
- Our Home and School Auction, “Under the Big Top; Greatest Night on Earth” is a week and a half away on January 28, 2023. Tickets are available here! Auction donations and sponsorships are still being accepted and are greatly appreciated! For auction donations, please contact Meggie Carrier at For sponsorships, please contact Kara Jamison at
- Auction volunteers are needed! To volunteer click here: following opportunities are available:
o Thursday, January 26
- Help decorate
o Friday, January 27
- Help decorate
- Silent auction set up
- Bar set up
o Saturday, January 28
- Bar set up
- Help decorate
- Check-in
- Toddy Pull
- Check-out
o Sunday, January 29
- Clean-up
- Check-out
- Spring Sports are right around the corner! Contact our Athletic Director, Michael Bennett, at 255-1966 or with any questions. Registration info is below:
o 2023 Spring Soccer
- Grades 5-8 boys
- Practices begin in mid-February
o 2023 Baseball
- Grades 5 & 6 boys (non-competitive league)
- Practices begin in mid-February
o 2023 Softball
- Grades 5-8 girls
- Practices begin in mid-February
o 2023 Baseball
- Grades 6-8 boys (competitive league)
- Practices begin in mid-February
o 2023 Track and Field
- Grades 3-8 Boys and Girls
Please click on the Wednesday Wire each week for important church and school announcements and opportunities.
The Next Month at a Glance
Wednesday, January 18: Café 242 from 5:00-6:00 PM dinner. PRE & Speaker Series 6:00-7:15 PM.
Friday, January 20: Re-enrollment contracts due date
Sunday, January 22: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Tuesday, January 24: Moe’s Taco Kits order deadline
Wednesday, January 25: School Spirit Night- Moe’s Taco Kits
Wednesday, January 25: New student contracts due
Thursday, January 26: First Communion Mandatory Parent Meeting at 6:30 PM in the Clunan Center
Saturday, January 28: Home and School Auction, “Under the Big Top; Greatest Night on Earth”
Sunday, January 29: Men’s Club Meeting
Monday, January 30-Friday, February 3: Catholic Schools Week
Tuesday, January 31-Friday, February 3: Book Fair
Friday, February 3: Grandparents Day for grades 1-8; 11:30 dismissal for whole school
Saturday, February 4: Men’s Club Mardi Gras Dinner and Parade
Sunday, February 5: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Friday, February 10-Sunday, February 12: Men’s Club Retreat
Wednesday, February 15: Social Studies Bee
Wednesday, February 15: School Spirit Night- Rotolo’s Craft & Crust
Thursday, February 16: Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-7:00 PM)
Friday, February 17: Professional Development Day; NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 20: Winter Break; NO SCHOOL
We hope you have a great rest of your week!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow us on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
Wednesday Wire