Wednesday Wire, February 9, 2022


“February is the border between winter and spring.” – Terri Guillemets


  • The Confirmation parent meeting tonight has been moved to a Zoom meeting. Eighth grade parents should have received an email from our DRE, Stephanie Novarese, with the Zoom link. Every eighth-grade student who is being confirmed should have a parent attend this mandatory virtual meeting. For more info, please contact Mrs. Novarese at

  • Thank you to all who supported our Book Fair. See the Wednesday Wire for details on how you can still shop at Novel and support St. Louis School through Sunday, February 13.

  • Scratch off cards are still available for purchase for $10 each. Match any 2 items and win! Prizes include our new car decals, homework passes, tennis shoes week, three jeans days and ice cream passes. To purchase, go to the auction website at: We can send the scratch off cards home with your child.

  • Friday’s dining hall menu has changed from pizza to Hot Pockets.


  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 17, 2022, from 5:00-7:00 PM in the teacher’s classroom. If you feel you need a conference, please sign up here:  If there are no slots available, please contact the teacher directly. Teachers will contact you if they feel that a conference is necessary.

 The Next Month at a Glance


Wednesday, February 9; Confirmation Parent Meeting (Zoom meeting)

Wednesday, February 9; Altar Server and Master of Ceremony Training

Friday, February 11; First jeans day for families who purchased and won a jeans day from the auction scratch off cards

Friday, February 11-Sunday, February 13; Men’s Club Retreat

Wednesday, February 16; First Communion Parent Meeting in the Clunan Center

Wednesday, February 16; Ben Tracy presents “Navigating Life in the Digital Age.”

Thursday, February 17; Parent Teacher Conferences (5:00-7:00 PM)

Friday, February 18; Diocesan Professional Development for Teachers (NO SCHOOL)

Saturday, February 19; Men’s Club Mardi Gras Dinner and Parade

Monday, February 21; President’s Day (NO SCHOOL)

Wednesday, February 23-Friday, February 25: Sixth Grade STEM Fair

Sunday, February 27; Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting

Monday, February 28-Friday, March 4Tennis shoes week for families who purchased and won tennis shoes week from the auction scratch off cards


Wednesday, March 2; Ash Wednesday

Friday, March 4; Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 4; Men’s Club Fish Fry

Wednesday, March 9; States Fair (Fourth Grade)

We hope you have a great rest of your week!


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