- At dismissal, there are only two options for pick-up:
- Carpool Line: You may drive through our carpool line, and we will place your child in your car.
- Park and Pick-Up: You may park your car and meet your child at the designated Park and Pick-Up location.
For safety reasons, please do not walk up to the carpool area or wait outside the school/church doors to pick up your child. Only teachers should be in the carpool and breezeway areas to ensure a controlled and secure dismissal process.
- Does your child’s grade have a float planned for this year’s Mardi Gras parade? The annual Men’s Club Mardi Gras Dinner and Parade is on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Don’t miss this popular St. Louis event! Every grade is encouraged to enter a float in the parade. To enter a float, contact Greg Crone at croneg@bellsouth.net. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
- All parents should have received an email from Shelby Images this week giving the opportunity to purchase your child/children’s homeroom picture. If you missed the email, you can click here https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001205817 to order your child/children’s homeroom pictures.
- If you purchased a hoodie pass for your child at this year’s Home and School Auction, the day to wear a hoodie is next Wednesday, February 19.
- If you purchased homework passes for your child at this year’s Home and School Auction, the passes will be in the office starting tomorrow.
- As cold and flu season continues, we kindly remind you to take precautions to help keep our school community healthy. Please encourage frequent handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and keeping your child home if they are feeling unwell. If your child has a fever, vomiting, or other flu-like symptoms, please keep them home until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours without medication. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and healthy environment for all!
- As a reminder, we still permit students to bring water bottles to school, but for safety and noise reasons, please do not send metal water bottles.
The Next Month at a Glance
Wednesday, February 12: Nothing Bundt Cakes Carpool Pickup
Friday, February 14: Teacher Professional Development Day (No School)
Saturday, February 15: Mom & Me Movie at Malco Paradiso
Monday, February 17: President’s Day (No School)
Tuesday, February 18: Seventh Grade Parents Trip Meeting
Friday, February 21: Mother/Son Glow Party
Saturday, February 22: Mardi Gras Parade sponsored by the St. Louis Men’s Club
Sunday, February 23: Junior High Youth Ministry Meeting
Wednesday, February 26-Thursday, February 27: STEM Fair
Thursday, February 27: STEM Night
Friday, February 28: Deadline for Eighth Grade Yearbook Ads and Baby Pictures
Monday, March 3-Friday, March 7: MAP Testing Window
Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday
Thursday, March 6: Fourth Grade States Fair
Thursday, March 6: Archbishop Sartain Episcopal Ordination Anniversary Mass
Friday, March 7: End of the Third Quarter
Monday, March 10-Friday, March 14: Spring Break (No School)
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week! Stay warm and dry!

Wednesday Wire