“Mary sustains our journey toward Christmas, for she teaches us how to live this Advent Season in expectation of the Lord. For this time of Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord, who will visit us all on the feast, but also, each one, in our own hearts. The Lord is coming! Let us wait for him!” -Pope Francis, Angelus, 8 December 2013
- Thursday, December 16 will be the last day of Aftercare before the Christmas break. Aftercare will not be open this Friday, December 17.
- Make plans now to attend our annual school auction sponsored by our Home and School Association on Saturday, January 29 here at St. Louis. Tickets are on sale now for “Viva St. Louis” Casino Night and Auction at You can also reserve your seat in the poker tournament! Don’t miss this amazing night!
- Thank you for making sure that we start the second semester with new haircuts for boys and proper uniforms on all students! We appreciate your help in making sure we set our students up for success in all ways.
- Dismissal for the whole school is at 11:30 this Friday, December 17.
- This Friday, December 17, will be an out of uniform day. Students are invited to wear green and red Christmas attire on that day.
- The Parent Drive for auction items is still underway! Please consider a donation for the auction. Donations are requested by December 16 and can be sent to Paul Walker in the school office.
- Chess Club for the spring semester is starting in January. See the Wednesday Wire for registration info.
- Below are the registration links for a few of the spring sports. Track & Field, softball and 1-4 grade baseball/softball and Micro T-ball will be opening in early January.
- Contact our Athletic Director, Michael Bennett, at 255-1966 or with any questions.
The Next Month at a Glance
Monday, December 13-Thursday, December 16; Junior High Exams
Thursday, December 16; ECC Christmas Program
Thursday, December 16; Deadline for SLS Auction Parent Drive donations
Friday, December 17; All School Mass
Friday, December 17; End of Second Quarter
Friday, December 17; Half Day (11:30 Dismissal)
Saturday, December 18; Altar Server Appreciation Bowling Party
Monday, December 20-Monday, January 3; Christmas Break (No School) (Classes resume on January 4)
Monday, January 3; NO SCHOOL (Teacher Professional Development Day)
Tuesday, January 4; Classes resume
Friday, January 7; All School Mass
Monday, January 17; NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
Saturday, January 29; “Viva St. Louis” Casino Night and Auction sponsored by the Home and School Association
We hope you have a most blessed and joyful Christmas with your family!
Wednesday Wire