"At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern." - St. Teresa of Calcutta (Love: A Fruit Always in Season)
- Students who had their picture taken on make-up picture day should be bringing their pictures home today. Please return school picture orders or unpurchased pictures to school by Monday, December 6. If no orders or pictures are returned, we will assume you are keeping the whole package and we will bill you for Package #1 ($25.00) through FACTS. Please do not send money. All orders will be billed through FACTS.
- The Parent Drive for auction items is currently underway! Please consider a donation for the auction. Donations are requested by December 16 and can be sent to Paul Walker in the school office .
- Our Cardinal Christmas basketball game is this Friday! This year Catholic Charities has requested much needed cold weather items instead of toys. Please click on the Wednesday Wire link to see more details. Admission to the game is one of these requested items to be donated to Catholic Charities.
- The due date for half of all total service hours for 5-8 grade students is THIS Friday, December 3.
- The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 is NOT a school holiday this year. Students will be in school on this day and will go to Mass.
Please see below for important church and school announcements and opportunities.
The Next Month at a Glance (check WW for details)
Wednesday. December 1-Friday, December 10; MAPS Testing
Thursday, December 2; Penance Service for Grades 3, 7, & 8
Friday, December 3; All School Mass
Friday, December 3; Cardinal Christmas Basketball Game
Friday, December 3; Service Hours due date for half of total hours for 5-8 grade students
Saturday, December 4; Doll Christmas Tea Party (FULL!)
Sunday, December 5; Junior High youth group meeting
Sunday, December 5; Cookies with Santa sponsored by Home and School (FULL!)
Monday, December 6; Deadline to turn in orders for make-up school pictures
Wednesday, December 8; Feast of the Immaculate Conception All School Mass
Friday, December 10; Early Childhood Parent/Teacher Conferences (half day for ECC only)
Saturday, December 11; Sacrament of First Reconciliation for second grade
Saturday, December 11; Lessons and Carols
Monday, December 13-Thursday, December 16; Junior High Exams
Tuesday, December 14; Christmas Program (children's choir, orchestra, drama)
Thursday, December 16; ECC Christmas Program
Thursday, December 16; Deadline for SLS Auction Parent Drive donations
Friday, December 17; All School Mass
Friday, December 17; End of Second Quarter
Friday, December 17; Half Day (11:30 Dismissal)
Saturday, December 18; Altar Server Appreciation Bowling Party
Monday, December 20-Monday, January 3; Christmas Break (No School) (Classes resume on January 4)
We hope you have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday Wire