- Please only cross the parking lot during dismissal at the crosswalks.
- Tomorrow is 9.01 Day at St. Louis sponsored by our Student Council. Students are invited to wear their best 901 themed shirt (Tigers, Grizzlies, Gibson’s, etc…). Jeans day rules apply.
- Micro-Soccer sign-ups are open. To register visit https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/310621. For questions, please contact Mr. Bennett, our Athletic Director at michael.bennett@stlouis.cdom.org or at 255-1966.
- The 5/6 grade football team will kick off their season tomorrow, Thursday, September 1, at 6:00 pm here at SLS against St. George’s. The concession stand will be open serving burgers and hot dogs. Come out and support your Cardinals!
- Please do not park on White Station during our dismissal.
- If your 5-8 grade child completed service hours this summer, please make sure he/she turns them into his/her Religion teacher. All hours completed between May 29, 2022-September 2, 2022, must be turned in by September 2, 2022.
- We are still in need of volunteers to help serve lunch in our dining hall on the first Wednesday of each month. Contact Jenna Collie at 901-692-7058 or jennascollie@gmail.com if you can help.
- Mrs. Hamrick and Mrs. Holliday are looking for items to help keep their treasure chests filled. If you have items to donate, please contact them at mhamrick@stlouismemphis.org or sholliday@stlouismemphis.org.
- Students in grades 4-8 are invited to join our Robotics clubs. If your child is interested in joining, please contact Erin Van Epps at evanepps@stlouismemphis.org. We are also looking for more coaches for our Robotics teams. If you are interested in coaching, please contact Mrs. Van Epps. Deadline to sign up is tomorrow, Thursday, September 1.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, August 31: Room Parent Rally
Wednesday, August 31: Chess Club begins
Thursday, September 1: 901 Out of Uniform Day
Thursday, September 1: Deadline to join Robotics club
Friday, September 2: Deadline for all summer service hours
Friday, September 2: Feast of St. Louis Holiday, no school
Monday, September 5: Labor Day Holiday, no school
Wednesday, September 7: VIRTUS classes
Friday, September 9: Jeans Day to benefit Feed My Flock
Saturday, September 10: Catholic Schools Day at the Ballpark
Thursday, September 15-Friday, September 16: School picture days
Sunday, September 18: Junior High Youth Ministry Kickoff Meeting
Sunday, September 18: Men’s Club Appreciation Dinner
Monday, September 19: ECC Donuts with Dads
Friday, September 23: Jeans Day to benefit Memphis Oral School for the Deaf
We hope you have a great rest of your week!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.

Wednesday Wire