We had great first days of school and we are excited to have all of our ECC students join us today!
The Wednesday Wire is our weekly communication with parents. The Wednesday Wire features weekly announcements, reminders, a glimpse at the calendar for the next month, and a link to flyers with detailed information about upcoming events and deadlines. Please make sure to take time each week to look through The Wednesday Wire so you can stay informed.
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
- Carpool Notes
- Please do not park on White Station during arrival or dismissal.
- Please do not block our neighbors’ driveways during dismissal.
- Please do not walk up to where the children gather after school to get your child. Please use the Park and Pick up option instead if you are walking up to get your child.
- If you are choosing the Park and Pick up option, please make note of the no parking signs on Shady Grove and also try to avoid parking on both sides of the street.
- Permission to Walk from School It is imperative that the school personnel are aware of where each child is to be dismissed at the end of the school day. It is in the interest of each student’s safety that we require this note be sent into the school office each school year. Only students returning this form will be allowed to walk from campus to a home in the neighborhood. Students may NOT walk to neighboring streets to be picked up. Students may only walk to their home if it is within a reasonable distance from the school. We do have the Park and Pick Up option where parents can park, and their child can be waiting at the dining hall entrance. Please return this form to the school office if your child is walking home from school. https://stlouismemphis.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Permission-to-Walk-from-School.pdf Thank you!
- Please place your carpool name tag on the passenger side of your vehicle during carpool and please keep it visible until your child/children is/are in your car!
- If you need additional carpool name tags, please contact Amy Newsom at anewsom@stlouismemphis.org.
- Extracurriculars
- Children’s Choir sign up for grades 4-8 is open now. See Wednesday Wire for signup information.
- Drama Club for grades 3 and 4 is now open. See Wednesday Wire for signup information.
- Chess Club signup is open. See Wednesday Wire for signup information.
- Cub Scouts for boys in grades Kindergarten through fifth grades is beginning soon. See Wednesday Wire for more information.
- If your 5-8 grade child completed service hours this summer (May 25-August 29, 2024), please make sure he/she logs them in to x2Vol by Thursday, August 29, 2024.
- Calling all St. Louis Dads! Join the Men's Club this Friday, August 16 for Men's Club 101 Happy Hour from 6:00-8:00 PM. See the Wednesday Wire for more details.
- Students may not attend St. Louis After Care until they have been registered. To register, visit https://stlouismemphis.org/after-care-enrollment/.
- For the safety of our students and faculty, the walking trail is closed during school hours from 7:30 am - 3:30 pm.
The Next Month at a Glance
Thursday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption All School Mass
Friday, August 16: Men’s Club 101 Happy Hour
Monday, August 19-Friday, August 23: MAP testing window
Thursday, August 22: Home and School Kickoff Meeting
Sunday, August 25: Men’s Club Kickoff Meeting
Monday, August 26: Junior High parent meeting for JH trip week
Monday, August 26: Junior High Meet the Teacher Night
Thursday, August 29: 901 Out of Uniform Day
Thursday, August 29: Meet the Counselors
Thursday, August 29: Room Parent Rally
Thursday, August 29: Deadline for 5-8 graders summer service hours
Friday, August 30: Feast of St. Louis holiday; No School
Monday, September 2: Labor Day Holiday; No School
Friday, September 6: All School Mass
Monday, September 9: VIRTUS classes
Thursday, September 12-Friday, September 13: School Pictures
Looking for St. Louis Athletics? Click here!
Don't forget to follow us on social media to see back to school pictures and all that is happening throughout the school year!
- Follow us on Facebook at St. Louis Catholic School Mphs, TN.
- Follow on Instagram at stlouiscatholicschoolmemphis.
We hope you have a great rest of your week!

Wednesday Wire